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The Golden Age or the Age of Outrage?

It’s time to breakthrough, not breakdown!

I believe we are upon an unprecedented time of shifting the paradigm.

A time to catch up with reality, your reality. Whether it is going to be grief, loss, sadness, a virus or something else that is going to awaken our senses, this is the necessary shift we all need on a soul level for us all to wake up. For so long we have been numbed and on automatic pilot, repressed, fed fear, believed in rubbish like the sedated subliminal messages we see or hear in the media, the polluting of our environment, consumerism, greed and sheer exhaustion.

This is the first time in humanity we have experienced a crisis such as this, although we have participated in life together seclusion to this extent has not existed. There are no words needed in a time of isolation, just time for self-love, kindness and reflection. A beautiful realisation happens when you are alone, an innate knowledge of self, starts to surface of how extraordinarily powerful you are, a time to harness the power within and allow the deep yearnings within your soul to surface.

The silence is forcing us to wait, have faith, the outside world can no longer distract us. Many of us have learned to be who the world wants us to be, defined by the relationships and friendships we hold, the cars we drive, our occupations, the beauty regimes we possess and the clothes we wear. Are we being summoned to let go of the masks? Is it time to meet yourself, the real you?

In actual fact this significant moment has been given to us as a gift, an initiation a rite of passage a beautiful time to reflect on your true essence a time to get back to basics as all the answers you seek are within. It may be this crisis, loss of all identities, grief or devastation that is required for us to understand we are ultimately not in charge of anything and that the true essence of our heart and our spirits have the opportunity to step forward on our behalf to answer the inner desires and yearning of our hearts.

Ultimately, we are all in this together, we are going to get through this and cross the threshold together united, clearer and stronger. We will look back at this moment in time that many of us have been preparing for on a soul level and be thankful that each and every one of us have the opportunity to have our hearts cracked wide open to realise we live and breathe together and we can live more intimately together when our hearts are wide open.

Stay Golden

Caroline Andrews

Source: Alan Watts Why Your Life Is Not A Journey


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